Some people argue that this is the best sounding tape machine ever made. Personally, I've never heard better. Redwood City's finest. All discrete audio path. Fully recapped. Features PURC bias cards on last 4 tracks for seamless punching.
Late-era MCI/Sony 2-track. Great sound. Features optional SMPTE timecode track.

Formerly installed at Skywalker Sound, this particular tape machine was used in the making of Terminator II. Features spot erase function.

Yet another tape format. We still have more tape machines in storage. Thinking of opening a museum....
Universal Audio AD/DA converters. 16 inputs and 18 outputs on the Apollo 16 PLUS 8 inputs and 10 outputs on the Apollo 8 for a total of 24 simultaneous inputs and 28 outputs. Can be used in conjunction with Protools or Logic Pro.